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12 Things That Make a Neighborhood Great

29 Jun 2020
You've heard the saying: location, location, location. You have to remember that, when buying a house, you are not just buying a place to live, but...

4 Reasons Why Interior Design Is Crucial When Selling Your Home

19 Jun 2020
If you have made the big step of putting your house up on the market, then congratulations! Here's to moving on to exciting new beginnings.

How The Color Of Your Bedroom Can Affect Your Sleep

12 Jun 2020
The topic of sleep has been a more popular one in the media as of late. The lack of sleep causes people to become more stressed out, overwhelmed and down...

5 Top Tips For Rental Property Owners

07 Jun 2020
One of the best investments that you can make is to purchase property and rent it out to tenants.

Coronavirus: Entertaining Things to Do While Social Distancing

30 May 2020
Social distancing is the new norm due to the continued spread of Covid-19. People are stuck at home all day, which can be pretty boring and monotonous.

4 Ways to Fit Big Design Ideas into a Small Home Office

21 May 2020
Anybody working from home knows just how stressful it can sometimes get. Trying to stay focused on the task at hand while being constantly bombarded with...

5 Things You Need to Check Before Buying Your First Home

14 May 2020
Buying your first home is an exciting venture and a very important investment for your future. You're likely going to spend quite a long time in this home...

5 Compliance Certificates Needed When Selling a Home

07 May 2020
Selling a home is more than just spring cleaning the house and putting it on the market. There are many steps that need to be followed to ensure that your...

5 Situations When Renting Makes More Sense Than Buying

28 Apr 2020
Many people dream of owning a home but it isn't always possible for everyone. Almost everyone grows up being told that owing is much better than renting and...

The Lockdown Life: Divide Your Day

17 Apr 2020
South Africa's national lockdown is extended to 1 May 2020. That may feel like a troublesome prospect, but the lockdown life is the right thing to do.
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